Saturday, April 5, 2014

Underground Classics- The Transformation of Comics into Comix
James Dankey and Denis Kitchen
Abrams ComicArts
New York 2009
"No longer burdened by pretentious notions of making 'art', I am concerned with refining and communicating specific ideas of changing others' conciousness. This is pretentious, but it's much more fun."
-Justin Green

"...contrary to what you've been told by pop-culture historians, comics did not exactly begin in the 1890's with The Yellow Kid or Little Nemo. As an art-driven storytelling medium, comics go back at least as far as the mid-nineteenth century and, arguably, to Goya, the Greek and Roman frescos, the Bayeaux Tapestry, and the cave walls of Lascaux."
-James Danky and Denis Kitchen

Don't forget the Egyptians. -editor

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