Saturday, February 16, 2013

Finnegan's Wake

‘Finnegans Wake’ Follows Tocqueville Onto Chinese Best-Seller List

"...the translator, Dai Congrong of Fudan University, who spent nearly 10 years wrestling with Joyce’s runaway sentences and knotty coinages, confessed that even she didn’t fully understand the book. 'I would not be faithful to the original intent of the novel if my translation made it easy to comprehend,' she said." JENNIFER SCHUESSLER, NY Times

Chinese translation of James Joyce's novel ‘Finnegans Wake’ becomes best-seller
"The famous novel took eight years to translate into Chinese and an initial run of 8,000 copies sold out in just over one month, since its release on December 25." IrishCentral Staff Writers

Translation of 'Finnegans Wake' sells in China
" 'It's beyond my comprehension that a niche work should cause a sales tsunami,' Li Weiqi, a bank employee and an avid reader from Shanghai, wrote on his microblog after he spotted a huge outdoor lightbox advertisement for the novel. 'Might it be that it's being hawked as a commodity to attract the pretentious?'
   "He added, 'I am sure I cannot decipher the novel, not even a word.' " DIDI TANG, Associated Press

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